Saturday, August 16, 2008


What a lovely song..

Just came back from a fellowship with my ex-NUS friends and it seems like it was only yesterday that we first met each other and went through the thick and thin of POS.

To my wonderful friend in Christ:

I guess you are feeling terrible and you are going through alot. I really pray that you can get through this tough time and emerge stronger. Someone once said that life is a cross country run. You run through different places, like the forest trail , the pavement. There will be time when you slip and you fall. It makes you want to stop running and give up. However, there those who persisted on. They pick themselves up and carry on running.It is not because they don't feel the pain, but they endured the pain and move on. Eventually, the pain lessen and they crossed the finishing line.

These past few days people have been talking to me about relationships, getting attached and stuff. I realised that what alot of people don't realise is that going into a relationship is a big responsibility. You are , in a way, entrusted with the life of a person. Especially for the guy, it is a time when you really need to be mature to handle it and it is definitely the first step to starting a family.

Treasure it when it is still around.

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