Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Muay thai

Went for my first muay thai lesson this sem. The turnout was much much more than expected. I think more than 100 ppl turn up.Having not trained for 3 months, i kinda lost touch.Need to start pushing myself.

My FYP prof is playing games with me.After so many emails, he refused to let me know if he is meeting me or not.I think i will go knock on his door. Ask and it will be given , seek and you will find, knock and the door will be OPENED to you...Better open or else i kick it open! haha..

This few days I discovered something about myself which i didn't realised. It is some what like a revelation.I don't like to belong.I think it is the irresponsible part of me that results in this. There is many clique i can join and i have join none. There is many things i can do yet i choose not to commit to any of them. Perhaps I am expecting too much or don't want to take any responsibility. I think it is more of the latter. Time to change my thinking.

Seismic classes have been pretty challenging. I was given many drawings with weird lines running across them and i am expected to find faults, reservoirs and seals in them. From which i can determine where the oils are! haha..sound fun right? I need to hold the paper at a certain angle and then try to find the faults. From there, i determine what type of traps are there and from there find the oil.It is soo "challenging" that it is driving me crazy.

My arms felt like lead now. Too long never train and i slack so much. Hopefully i can get my 6 pac back.Fast.

Tomorrow there is devotion in school. Still thinking whether to go. The HS has been convicting me in many areas which i don want to face up to. I need to give in. I need to learn the guitar fast! who wanna teach me?!

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