Sunday, August 31, 2008

keep smiling

Keep smiling, keep trusting, keep believing, keep shining.

Shi nian

Saturday, August 30, 2008

i can't sleep

What nice songs. Contrasting theme.

Today after service i had BS with mark and i think today the BS is pretty good.Hope i can give better BS.

After which went to Baybeat and met up with a few fasion communication students.Hopefully my dress sense will improve within the next 3 months.

Breathe in! Put a smile on your face. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Praying for understanding and guidance.

If it is meant to be, then it shall be. If not, i pray for a swift end to it.

Your word is a lamp to my feet, And light unto my path.
Psalm 119:105

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Biting the bullet

Sometime in life bad things take place.

Whether you want it or not...there will be times when you just want to dig a hole and stay in it until all the bad things go away.

Whether you want it or not, there will be times when you wonder aloud "WHY?!"

follow by " HOW?! "

But i believe after all these loud exclaimations you made.

you need to say

"Because He intended it for the best interest of me."

I am saying that to myself now!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Outing to eden

Before i start this blog post, I shall post a short pictoral quiz.

If you trapped in such a scenerio, what would you do? You can't move your hands or legs or even swing yourself. You have only 30 seconds to save yourself. Think! Answer will be revealed only at the end of this post! DON"T PEEK!

Just came back from this organic place near to NUS. I am surprised to find such a nice place there. It is soooo nice that i think it is a good place to come and have some time for yourself or with someone special. It is away from the crowd and serve healthy food. Things there aren't exactly very expensive.

Someone say my blog got the lack faith feeling.HAHA..maybe..i don't know but all i can say is that it is somewhat like an outlet for me. So I am like than say 5% of the time?

My dearest Isaac is going to teach me guitar. He is such a nice guy. Hopefully i can pick it up fast :)

Anyway , here are the pictures i took while at the place!

Thanks for editing the pictures!


Have you thought of a way to escape from the hungry lion?

Reading through this post should take you roughly about 30 seconds.

Think first.

Don't give up!

ok la...The ans is...


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Muay thai

Went for my first muay thai lesson this sem. The turnout was much much more than expected. I think more than 100 ppl turn up.Having not trained for 3 months, i kinda lost touch.Need to start pushing myself.

My FYP prof is playing games with me.After so many emails, he refused to let me know if he is meeting me or not.I think i will go knock on his door. Ask and it will be given , seek and you will find, knock and the door will be OPENED to you...Better open or else i kick it open! haha..

This few days I discovered something about myself which i didn't realised. It is some what like a revelation.I don't like to belong.I think it is the irresponsible part of me that results in this. There is many clique i can join and i have join none. There is many things i can do yet i choose not to commit to any of them. Perhaps I am expecting too much or don't want to take any responsibility. I think it is more of the latter. Time to change my thinking.

Seismic classes have been pretty challenging. I was given many drawings with weird lines running across them and i am expected to find faults, reservoirs and seals in them. From which i can determine where the oils are! haha..sound fun right? I need to hold the paper at a certain angle and then try to find the faults. From there, i determine what type of traps are there and from there find the oil.It is soo "challenging" that it is driving me crazy.

My arms felt like lead now. Too long never train and i slack so much. Hopefully i can get my 6 pac back.Fast.

Tomorrow there is devotion in school. Still thinking whether to go. The HS has been convicting me in many areas which i don want to face up to. I need to give in. I need to learn the guitar fast! who wanna teach me?!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I believe

I believe God is more than sufficient for me.
I believe for a breakthrough in my connect group.
I believe God's plan for me is perfect.
I believe for greater things to come.
I believe no weapon formed against me shall prosper.
I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.
I believe all the promises of God are true and amen.
I believe God shall supply all my riches according to the glory of Christ Jesus.
I believe for better results in the remaining semsters to come.
I believe my Cg is going to multiply in a matters of months.
I believe prayers move mountain.
I believe if God is for me, nothing can be against me.
I believe for family salvation.
I believe God is my portion forever.
I believe God has and already intended the best for me.
I believe for greater strength in Him.
I believe in Him, I will go from glory to glory.
I believe He is all I ever need.

Nothing is impossible.

Because in Him I believe.

I believe

Today I was watching online service and the preacher from china really blow me away!! Revelation and Perseverance are the keys to breaking through.

I was challenged in my heart again to go SOT.I need the faith to step out. "what if" filled my mind, like what the SOT student said, you go from excitment( ji dong) to having doubt( yao dong ) to giving up( yi dong ye bu dong). I really don't want to do that. I feel that there are areas in my life that needs to be dealt with.

Truely you can't choose two path and walk in both.You got to choose the one and only path you will take.They are mutually exclusive.

Let me have the faith to believe.

Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world!

which male non cgl in nus has a Gentle spirit?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

In the name of sports or winning?

I present you this shocking picture.

This cuban Taekwondo fighter Angel Matos is certainly not an angel when he kicked the referee in the face after he lost the match. He lost because he took too long during the injury time. The rules and regulations states that the injury time is 1 min and he took longer than that. The referee, just doing his job, disqualified him and he lost the bronze medal.

I watched most of the Taekwondo matches and i must say he is an experienced fighter.He won the gold medal in sydney.In the spur of anger and not controling it, he let loose and let his uninjuried foot do the talking. Disappointing move.

Before we start to look down on him, i realised that we all have this "spur of anger" thing. Be it saying the wrong things or doing hurtful things,as i was about to condemn him i was reminded of the past mistakes i made because of "spur of anger".I am glad that sometimes i have the chance to reverse the effects.

But for angel, he and his coach are banned for life.


Just came back from my cousin's birthday BBQ and i am feeling so irritated by the ulcer that is on the side of my tongue. It makes eating and tasting such a pain.

Was reminded by someone that I was a much more relational person a couple of years back. Thinking back, what that person said is kinda true. I recall back the person I was and the person I am now, it is pretty different. I think somewhere along that period of time I was changed in my mindset and therefore my actions which leads to who I am now. I kinda think and realised that it could be that big disappointment i had.

When you run a race alone, there are pros and cons. But i guess for me, for now, i prefer to run this short period of time alone. I have lost faith in them. Perhaps my time and my role are all due and it is time for a change.

Friday, August 22, 2008

why am I reconsidering if I want to be an Engineer.

One day, a Pastor, a Doctor and an Engineer died and went up to heaven to meet with God.

When they reach heaven, they were told that only one of them could make it to heaven.

And it was the Engineer who managed to make it to heaven. Not the pastor or doctor.

The doctor was very upset and goes about saying how many peoples lives he had saved during his time on earth and how many sick he had attended to.

The pastor, not wanting to lose out, also gave an encounter of how faithful he was during his time on earth. How he serve with all his heart.

After the 1 hour plus of explaining, it is still the Engineer who was chosen to make it to heaven.

Totally unconvinced, the doctor and pastor began to ask one of the angel and the angel reply saying

"Because the Engineer had already gone through hell during his time on earth"

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Faith in God not in man

It is all a fake...all a fake

so much for the much for what you it is all an excuse to get attention...

But then ..i choose to have faith in God...He allows all these for a good reason...

Let's not be affected.

Heaven knows

End of this stage of life

I am sitting alone in the computer lab reading my "Petroleum Geosciences" notes.

Looking at the people sitting on the outside of the Room, I start to reflect back on the time i spent in the library. Time passes so quickly and I am going graduate so soon.I feel kinda out of place with these younger people around me.I feel overage.haha.

School have been boring so far.Not that busy yet but i got a feeling that it is going to come soon.I guess I am a person who can't really sit still. I have been feeling quite slack for the last 2 weeks and it certainly don't feel good. I am alway thinking of what to do to end the day fast.Perhaps it is time i should look at other areas of life that i missed out on a few years back.

Life is like a journey. To some, it might be a joy ride on the bus. To others , it might be a race on a ferrari F1 car. For the remaining, it could be a sequences of BMW( Bus + MRT + Walk) rides. But what matters most is that sometimes, We get off whatever we are on and enjoy what God has created around us.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Somehow i am feeling some Turmoils on the inside of me.Some undescribable feelings...perhaps it is the stress of life and the expectations that i have to meet that creates this feeling. I pray for peace to come upon me.

Philippians 4:7

and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I will be starting my muay thai again.Every semester I will be getting a new sparring partner. Sem 1 was Zijun( who went on to become the inter-uni Muay thai champion) Sem 2 was yuantai and this sem is Raphael. This is my last year and i hope i can really pick up some combat experiences and keep myself fit.

Today while coming home, I saw a person with a big bulging tummy. I was confused.

That is what went through my mind

Face- can be girl or boy
Hair- can be girl or boy
Body- can be girl or boy

Analysis= ????

Then i look at the legs


Analysis= Confirmed is a man with huge belly.

As i walk pass him, i heard a lady's voice.

Immediately in my mind everything went blank for a while....then..

"!!!!!!!!!!!! UNSHAVED LEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

*Feels like puking*

Got a new Batman shirt...DC having discounts, so if you are like me, a fan of Batman and Superman, go get yours now!

"There is a little boy in every man. I think the one in me is a super mischevious one!"

Why so serious?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Your Will

Your kingdom come Your Will be done.

Let me run with a heart on fire.

Cause me to be so close to You.

Draw me into Your everlasting life.

I long to see You face to face.

100% in 2.5 months.


I just came back from NUS Vision Day and i am glad i managed to stay on. I was feeling very tired and as if there are some hamsters overrunning my stomach. I just feel like puking and I am so tired even after napping for quite a while. Progress was so slow.

Met up with my FYP prof finally and i was shocked. In short what he said was " Tell me what YOU want and we see how we can do it." It is like an open topic and it depends on what i am interested to do. Will be choinging journals and research done on ship.

Let me have the faith

A pure heart

A pure heart



Sunday, August 17, 2008


Watch these


Went to Zouk today. It was sooo crowded. I should have gotten that wallet for $10.Not because it is cheap but it is really nice. After which i head down to bugis to have dinner with my cg and celebrated sean bday.

Tomorrow is the 2nd week of sch and I can't wait to get into my bed now. Tomorrow devotion starts at 7 and I need to leave my house at 5.30am. Talking about early huh?! But it is a small sacrifices where I get to have a closer encounter with God.

Wondering whether to go to tomorrow's meeting.Sometimes i step back and take a look at the picture from afar. I realised that big does not alway mean best. Sometimes things operate better in smaller clusters than one big group. Think about the pills u eat when u are sick, or salt you add into your food, they exist small to impact a greater area. Perhaps there is a need for a paradigm shift and renewing of what consitute a effective way to take the school by storm.

Contented to stand from afar and looking from a distance.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


What a lovely song..

Just came back from a fellowship with my ex-NUS friends and it seems like it was only yesterday that we first met each other and went through the thick and thin of POS.

To my wonderful friend in Christ:

I guess you are feeling terrible and you are going through alot. I really pray that you can get through this tough time and emerge stronger. Someone once said that life is a cross country run. You run through different places, like the forest trail , the pavement. There will be time when you slip and you fall. It makes you want to stop running and give up. However, there those who persisted on. They pick themselves up and carry on running.It is not because they don't feel the pain, but they endured the pain and move on. Eventually, the pain lessen and they crossed the finishing line.

These past few days people have been talking to me about relationships, getting attached and stuff. I realised that what alot of people don't realise is that going into a relationship is a big responsibility. You are , in a way, entrusted with the life of a person. Especially for the guy, it is a time when you really need to be mature to handle it and it is definitely the first step to starting a family.

Treasure it when it is still around.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Guard my heart....Guard it well....

Keep my vision....Keep it strong....

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I hate driving. hiaz...waste of time. Knock down 2 poles because the instructor say keep going...right..keep going...keep going.. *Ponk*

"mmm i feel u not that good, next lesson try again"

Hiaz..must not listen to u again.

Get well soon Cecilia!

Question of the day: When is alright for you to set fire in singapore and not get caught? when is it alright to litter as you wish and not be fined?


This is the second last day of the first week and i am starting to dread going to school. Haven't had that feeling since year one. All the modules seem quite tough.Introduction to World Religions seems interesting.I must admit it, other then having more girls around in lecture , the module appear unappealing. There is quite alot to do except that the finals is only 35%. I shall work on the term paper asap.Petroleum modules are soooo interesting but too much of it makes it dry. I still deciding between Materials for Engineering or Petroleum geography.

Morning Devotions have been awesome except that I am pretty tired from waking up so early.Had a great time fellowshipping with cg mates that i am not that close to.

After Tue meeting, everyone now seems to be talking about "That topic". From last night over msn, to this morning with my ex-leader, it is alway that topic. Can't believe it. But if that is what Pst intended, he certain have achieved his goals.

When you are unsure, look to the Lord.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


mmm it is scary how people keep you in a loop.

It all appear normal but in fact it is deceiving. It is disheartening once you know you are in fact in a loop.

Keep me out of the loop.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Morning Devotion

Psalm 112

The Blessed State of the Righteous

1 Praise the LORD!

Blessed is the man who fears the LORD,
Who delights greatly in His commandments.

2 His descendants will be mighty on earth;
The generation of the upright will be blessed.

3 Wealth and riches will be in his house,
And his righteousness endures forever.

4 Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness;
He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous

5 A good man deals graciously and lends;
He will guide his affairs with discretion.

6 Surely he will never be shaken;
The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance.

7 He will not be afraid of evil tidings;
His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD

8 His heart is established;
He will not be afraid,
Until he sees his desire upon his enemies

9 He has dispersed abroad,
He has given to the poor;
His righteousness endures forever;
His horn will be exalted with honor.

10 The wicked will see it and be grieved;
He will gnash his teeth and melt away;
The desire of the wicked shall perish.

Today i went for morning devotion for the first time and I am really blessed. Was praying about some worries i had and God really encouraged me with Ps 112. I will hold on to the vision You have for me. For your love and righteousness endures forever.

I must start learning guitar again. I guess the 2 things that i got out of my devotion is that God affirm His word once again and i should start learning guitar.

Sacrifces involve pain.It is not a sacrifice without pain. Faith is not believing that everything will be alright but despite that things are not alright, you trust God that it is His will that He allows such things to happen so that a greater purpose and His plan can be fulfilled.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Vision for the next 3 months

Meet up with Bro Darren today and received a new vision for the next 3 months.

Time to get serious and focus on what is important.

I am feeling alittle broke. Need to scrimp and save.

Anyone going devotion?!Wanna go breakfast after that and head down to school to mug?!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Buy 1

I think this tee is cool. That's why i got it


I initially wanted to blog about the sentosa outing and the pictures but facebook kept giving me problem.I decided to blog about cell group meeting yesterday.

We had a breakthrough attendance! I was late because i went to get Jacob present.Got him a super cool berm and a nice tee. I got myself a new watch, a new tee and berm. The tee i got is really nice. Somewhat like affliction and ed hardy, you can call them "Inspirations" from the real thing, haha. Personally i got my tee from the same place.The best buy in my opinion is my watch. It is really nice i think.

During P and W, we sang really new songs and some old songs which you never hear in service.Personally I felt really ministered during worship.Sometimes God gave you a taste of what Heaven is like, or how awesome is his love for you or the working of the His miracles.I was given a feel how great is His love for me yesterday.when i think back , i realised that sometimes it is all these that reaffirm your faith for God and how wonderful is He. It is during times when the whole world seems to have fall down that you rem all these time that keeps your faith stong, to keep believing.

We had a great time fellowshipping too. School is starting next week and there will be devotion time every morning from 7 to 8. I do not have school in the morning but to reach at 7 i got to leave my house at 5 plus?!Maybe i can drop by NTU to study, since i got no school for some of the days!I never had a less than 5 days week before. PTL finally i have a 2 or 3 (depending on which module i drop) days week. Knowing my character, i think i will be back in school to get my stuff done. I don work at home so i try to get everything done in sch, just the way i work.

Give me a new song
Give me a renewed vision
Give me a fresh hope
Give me a strengthen heart
Give me the passion

Bring me back to my first love i have with You.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Money not enough 2

Went to watch Money not enough 2 and I am pleasantly surprised! It is quite a good show! Perhaps I can relate to it and there are seriously really funny scenes! There is particular scene that is soooo funny, I laugh until i cried sia! The meanings behind the show are plentiful! The show focuses on a few issue. It is full of hokkiens and you will be able to enjoy the show better if you can understand it. A must watch for singaporeans of all ages.

I think one of the few lessons the show is trying to bring across is that to treasure those who treasure you before they are gone.In the show , the sons did alot of nasty stuff to their mom yet it is only when they are going to lose her then they start to value her. I feel it is like so common a mistake to make in our lives. When I reflect on people around me, I feel I could be more appreciative as a friend, a son and a brother.

i have rashes all over my body. Hopefully it will go away !

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I am boring

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||| 50%
Stability |||||||||||| 50%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 42%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 70%
Mystical |||||||||||| 43%
Artistic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Religious |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Hedonism || 10%
Materialism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Narcissism |||||||||||||| 56%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 43%
Work ethic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Humanitarian |||||||||||||||| 70%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 63%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||||| 70%
Romantic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 50%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 43%
Wealth |||||| 23%
Dependency |||||||||| 36%
Change averse |||||||||||||| 56%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Individuality |||||||||||||||| 63%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 63%
Peter pan complex |||||| 30%
Family drive |||||||||||||||| 63%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||| %
Histrionic |||||||||||| 43%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Vanity |||||||||||||| 56%
Honor |||||||||||| 43%
Thriftiness |||||||||||||| 56%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality test by


Watch these


Today Sentosa outing was a success!

First of all, after 8 hours under the sun(We went in the morning!) and mulitple applications of tanning oil, I have become a chocolate figurine. I am glad the tanning has removed my V-neck tan from work.

We also played ultimate frisbee! Met a group of angmos from canada and they are on holidays after attending the world dragon boat race last week in Thailand. They are really really good in frisbee and taught us how to throw and stuff. We also meet a group of poly students and we played volleyball with them! Man, We took ALOT of pictures.Geraldine pls send me asap!

After leaving Sentosa at about 8pm( we reached there about 11 plus), we went to vivo and had dinner at one of the place.We began talking about all the personality stuff.How to gauage things in relationship and stuff.Then the rest even wanted to go arcade after that! I was so tired that i decided to go home.Was trying to prevent myself from falling off the seat while on the train back.

I can't wait to go Sentosa again! Going to get more tanning oil!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I am sorry I can't share but I really need sometime alone and reflect on what I did.

As much as i want to talk to you and hope to see things turn as it should be, this is not the right thing for me to do.

I look upon for the most high for strength.For He shall give strength to the weak and He shall heal the broken-hearted.

The Mummy 3

Went to The Mummy 3 and i guess it is a slightly above average show.

I was enlightened. To be honest, I am alittle disappointed about what you said about her.I guess it does have some truth but I hope it is not as bad as what you said.To meet an obstacle after another can be pretty tiring.Thanks for the encouragement.

Like what you said, My life is all about a rescue mission!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Why God allows me to be poor

Today I had a good fellowship with this long time sister of mine.We knew each other through POS a few years back and I really thank God for having a friend like her.She often gives me a new perspective on things which i often miss.And forever she is saying i am a replica of her 2nd brother.-.-

We were talking on the topics on why God allow us to go through many things and the first thing that came to my mind was that the one area that i went through most was the lack of finances.Those who know me well will know that I am not born into a prosperous family.I think i really went through alot. Like walking home after i realised i got less than 10 dollars left. Having no money to eat for a week, having to go through alot of things and struggles.I got to admit, sometimes I really shed tears of frustration.I mean i often ask God, Where are you? When is it going to stop? I went through it not like months but years of such time.

Then one day i realised that staying where i was is not going to turn things around.I began slowly to understand the principle of saving and money management.I began to see that I was a poor manager of my wealth.I often didn't know how to curb my poor spending habits.I often have impulse buying and never have this mentality of building up wealth. The moment i start to realise this and in a way "forced" to work on these areas, my situation began to change and things turn for better.

Why God allows me to be poor? Today i would say Why not? Each and every of us will be put to the test.If i were to be born into a rich family, i would almost definitely not have a good sense of wealth management but also a arrogant attitude.Be it broken family, abusive/hurtful relationship or even like me, a poor financial situation, God has intended for us to go through something so that we can emerge stronger, with that area of life built up.Once we are ready to handle that area of responsibility, He would definitely fulfill the promise He has for us.

I remember that my eyes teared alittle when God spoke to me and said," This is why I allowed you to be poor"

It sure is tough.

You got to trust what He has planned for you.Believe it or not, He really has the best of interest for you!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

According to, my deathdate is on 18th Nov 2057.

Blown Away

I just came back from FOP and man it was way way awesome.

Pst Mark preached on "Living in the light of eternity" and it certainly changed my perspective on living. His style of preaching is really different from most pastors.He is so humourous yet he delivers the msg across. Throughout the preaching, people were laughing and he just focus the attention of the people and when the time is right, he delivers the point across. Because the hearts of the people are already open, the message is often well received. He is such a charismatic preacher!

Then Reuben morgan ask everyone to came to the front to P and W. Everyone dash forward and the atmosphere hit the climax!Everyone was jumping and praising and singing!

I was really blown away by the preaching and the P and W.

I don't give up easily.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


This week is intensive driving week. I got 5 lessons for this week and 4 more in the next 2 weeks.I kinda detest driving but I haven't got much of a choice.I need to get my license.

Though things didn't turn out the way I expected it, I guess it is all part of the plan.

All the late nights have made my gastric problem surface again.I slept like at 4am yesterday?!

Someone told me yesterday that patiences is the key. Sometimes we got to wait and wait until the time is right. Later on the same day, someone told me that it is no point waiting. It is all about the timing.

As the saying goes, Chances favour those who are prepared.I will be preparing myself until the timing is right.

What is the point of being charming when you are not De Prince Charming?

Anywhere interesting?


There is nothing much interesting to do at night in singapore.

Before anyone go on about clubbing or chilling out at one of the night spots, I shall emphasize the fact that it must be interesting.

I was out with the closer friends in cg and my cgls too. We can't seen to think of anything really interesting.

Today gotten some disicpleship.while walking back home, i thought about it. I think I am clear about what I am think and stuff.I just hope there is no stress on the other party.I was thinking straight and with a open mind.

Jesus, lover of my soul