Sunday, March 23, 2008

I am getting attached(after exams!)

everyone i am getting attached once exams are over!

cos it is impossible for me to find time now with all the projects and exams.. and i don wanna sacrifce them so i decided to get attached after exams.

talking about exams, i can;t wait for them to start! hahaha cos it means they are going to be over very very soon!!!!hahahha

well she is some sort of what i wanna look for..i like the challenge...of cos to get something good and worthy, one have to pay the price...she demands me to spend more time then one would normally do with the rest..but well as the saying alway pain no gain...i like that...

of cos not everyone is please with it...but i don really care..cos it is my life and ultimately i choose my own path...not to say that i totally neglect advises from others..but well i guess i thought through and i already decide to commit myself to such a relationship...

i think it might come as a shock to ppl...i expect them to say" you sure?"

"have you speak to the ppl around you?"

"you sure you are doing the right thing? it is a serious thing you are taking might hurt yourself?"

well all i can say, i have decided to and i think i will live with it..i might regret it someday

but i would rather try and have a chance to regret if it fails rather than not try and never have a chance regret...

oh ya..i am sorry bingren..i told u i will tell u once i am attached but i din ..

instead i post here...haha...ya..i guess u will find out eventually...

i think not alot ppl know what i am talking about...

i decided to post some u can who i am getting attached to...

Sembcorp marines here i come(after exams)!

i can't wait..hahah


emily said...

ahhaha all the best with your attachment :) maybe u'll marry it someday.

kennethjayden said...

hah.. good one bro.. for a moment i got kinda worried when you described it controversially...

congrats dude! ;)

Titus said...

haha...hope this post spice up ur day..ahha