Thursday, April 16, 2009

Morning rants

I woke this morning and had the exact feeling i had 3 years ago. This feeling of "shucks it is morning! another day has passed and exams are drawing near!"
But this time, things are different, I feel so much more relaxed( cos i got 2 papers only).

Then i think back how i was like 3 years ago, man , it sure was different back then.After doing the usually deep thinking and analysis, I came to a conclusion.

Life is short.It moves fast and things change so easily.
As i looked back, i realised if i have a chance to go into a worm hole, i would change some aspects of my life. Like certain decisions i made.

Then again, i can't do anything to change anything and also there is nothing i can do to make sure that this doesn't happen again.
Something we jus have to do that which is the best course of path and keep our fingers cross.

Guess I don't want to look back and say what if i have done my PhD then.

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