Saturday, October 4, 2008


Today is like a breakthrough day.

Was on the bus when God spoke to me about BF.Wo. Argh. HUH? ya..that is like my reaction.But i believe it is a beginning of a breakthrough.

Finally finished reading that investment book. Been reading for months, now moving on to the next one. I am looking for those that teaches me what to do, like straddles for options, using bull call spread, how to apply momentum investing etc.. That is applicable not just knowledge.

I mean knowledge is NOT power. Knowledge is potential power. IF knowledge were power, people will be guarding libraries.

Power is released through action.

Take the bible for example, people who read it like a storybook and believe will live a happy life believing in the power of God. Those who ACT upon the Word will have God's power moving so mightily in their life.

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