Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Awesome day

Today was one my best day.

Woke up and feeling really bad and i was praying for a breakthrough and a change of mindset. God is alway good and i really felt comforted.

Off i went to school and i got back my test result. Aren't that fantastic. Perhaps i am a perfectionist, i want to do my best and i just feel it is not what i should be getting. I believe I can do much better than that.

Went for muay thai and after showering, i discovered a bump on my left forearm. I think during the light sparring sessions, one of the guy must have accidentally "touched" it. Sprained my left foot. I think i got a torn muscle or something. Everytime i exert pressure , the bump sort of get bigger and i need to rub to make it smaller. Hopefully it will go away by tml.

I dress quite differently when i train muay thai so i took some pic....
This is also my last few lessons for this sem...ya..




HAHAHA...I where got so fat?

must be the projects that is making me so lame!

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