Saturday, July 5, 2008


Today we had a ministering service with Pst Mike and as usual, it is filled with people screaming, crying and people getting delivered.It was not as "major" as last year as most of the church staffs are not around but nevertheless, God still move powerfully in the service.

like what he said

"Imagine yourself to be in a house with many rooms.You are standing at the entrance of the house and you are looking at all the rooms.Some of the rooms are locked while some of them are opened.Those that are locked contain things that you never want to reveal again.Today you need to go back to these rooms and unlock them.Jesus will be accompanying you and He will be there to help you through it. You need to unlock them."

I went through the house.There was no locked doors.Just some are harder to open.I really thank God for being there for me all the time.i thought abt her and realised that i have finally let go and not hold to it.You can tell the difference because you no longer hate or dislike the person but you just wanna care for her.

I recall things abt her too.It still take some time but it is more or less gone.I have lifted her up to God.

I somehow had a revelation of God's love for people.I couldn't really describe it in words but He wants me to have the human touch in whatever i do.It is more than going according to what is right and what is wrong but rather go beyond that and love people.John 3:16 never felt the same as before.

I want to be happy.I want to be fun.I want to be caring.I want to shine for Jesus!

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