Finally gotten a nite of good well excellent - deserved rest. I have been having 7 days week like for months. Mon to Fri - Work. Sat - NDP whole day. Sun - Church, GF + Family and the cycle repeats itself. NDP is just one month away and I can't wait to march into Padang for the last time!
Speaking of which, I finally decided to get a new Camera. This is my first camera I ever got, excluding camera phone and one time use disposable camera. After many days of intense research and considering the budget. I decided to go for the Sony Alpha A330 even though many people arent sure or ask me to go for canon/nikon.
The price and the wide availability of cheap lens are the main reasons why I chose this model. Furthermore, in terms of photo quality, it has one of the best among rest of the entry level camera.
Took some nice shots. There is so much to learn and one thing i learn is that you must work around your camera and its limitations. Having the best camera and lens does not always mean you get the best shot.
Alot of areas to improve on and I got to shoot more to improve. Tempted to get a 18-250mm len which cost $700 after discount. After considering for a long time, I decided to drop that idea. It simply cost too much. BTW Anyone keen to go on a shooting trip, do drop me a sms. Good chance to chat and talk cock haha.
Work is still ok. Pay is still as low and hours are long. Other than that, everything is still pretty ok. Been learning pretty much about marine on the job, more of the commercial side. There is ever so much to learn! How will i have time to squeeze in my part time studies!
Anyway I am hoping to catch with some friends. The POS peeps, ME peeps etc. Simply can't wait for NDP to be over.
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