Sunday, May 3, 2009


Met a friend today and he told me he is going to be a doctor! He is actually a chem engineer but decided to pursue a medicine degree after he graduate this sem! In fact all graduating engineering student was given this opportunity to do a medicine degree in 4 years but it cost 35k a year in school fees! I salute this guy! he told me he don really care about the money but he wants to fulfill his passion as a doctor! woo!

Talking about which , i have not gotten a job as of now. Technically speaking, not that i don have, but the ideal one haven't come along. I am actually seriously ok with going back my bond company, jus that i wish to give my parents the peace of mind. PhD wie, it is really too low paying. It just give me a feeling that it is a risky move to take. I am hoping to get a place in SC, CS or CB.

Had a great time at my darling place. Spent some quality time with her! hehe.. had dinner! hopefully we can go for our grad trip together!! love you dear!

Time to jog!

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