Monday, March 30, 2009


After reading the commentS from hh, i guess it is better for me to reply over here. Tag board are way way too small.

First thing first, Skull is NEVER an affliation of satanic force. You may feel that it is related to death, horror , past? i am not sure. To illustrate it clearly, what is satanic? 666 or the inverted cross( with Jesus)is. I think there too many self-imposed rules about what is "allowed" for christians and what is not. God never said you can't wear skull. But God did mentioned 666 is the mark of the devil.

This leads to the point of perception. Why would unbelievers think that way? This is simply due to the lack of knowledge and mis-informed ideas. Now, how do we know muslim can eat only halal food? Because they provided us with the informations and they practise it, hence we ,as non muslims, know about it. I guess this "misinformed" affliation is partly the faults of some christians.

Talking about adultery, firstly if i wear an artistic shirt and this can result in " It might cause others to go own the road of adultery". I would honestly, from the bottom of my heart say that the person committing that is just using me as an excuse. i got to admit everyone has a different tolerance of "art" but if the church would to stay away from the mildest form of "art"(then again, who sets the limit"), we will be "obsolete" in no time. This does not mean i purposely wear a sexually offensive shirt to "attempt" to tempt someone into adultery. i totally agreed with limits( like for kids ) but the pt i want to bring across is, let's not become too legalistic.

This again goes back to the idea of perception. If you are pure in your mind, a couple kissing might cause you to think about love, family etc.. to a defiled mind, even two numbers 69 can lead to oral sex( yes that's what some of my friends tell me!). So does the fault lies with the shirt or the person thinking that?

To sum it all, i would say let's not be "holier" than God and set all these self-imposed rules. As the churches around the world are moving towards having greater relevancy to the society, it is extremely important that we are not taking a step back by embracing these rules.

This link provide a much clearer explaination.

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