Sunday, November 9, 2008

How to hack a vending machine?

What a day.I finally finished my Geo report and powerpoint! That is the most frustrating thing that i had to do for this sem! so much referencing, so much things to many things to take note! i really dislike arts module!!

Anyway...R and his GF L came and mug with me at central library. L happened to chance upon a way to hack the bottle vending machine! How cool is that! LOL.

Check this out!!

As you all might have know, i love drinking Coke Zero. Because it is sugar free and it keeps me awake!

After mugging for a few hours, we decided to try this trick on the vending machine outside central library, along the way to arts canteen!!

We excitedly slot in the coin and try to stop the bottle from coming out, just like what the video mentioned. The machine tried to push the bottle out twice , just like what the video said.

Then, just like what the video said, the device went to the bottom.


We were stunted for a moment.---__---

They must have upgraded the software. The bottle was standing there and we decided to buy another one so both will come out. which it did in the end.

So much for the cheap thrill...HAHAHHA

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